The Kontact2 release train rolls on. Today we fixed the last of the release blocking bugs and tagged the release candidate.

It seems that many people around the Internet are as excited about the new release as we are. The message that this is not a bug-free release seems to be getting through. There will be bugs to annoy users, but the applications are usable and useful and they work without crashing and without losing data. The reports on my last post (which will of course be forgotten without non-duplicate bug reports :)) indicate normal-to-low severity bugs which would be expected in any Free Software, much less a release of a platform re-architecture and multi-application port and rewrite.

This version will have regressions compared to KDE PIM 4.4. There was never a goal to create a Kontact2 with zero regressions. The only goal was to create a working release. After that the work on making it perfect can begin. Division of resources between maintaining the 4.4 series and attempts to perfect the Kontact2 release was causing demotivation in the community. Making the release is the act that allows us to cross the starting line towards fixing the smaller issues.

Prepare to land!

So, onwards and onwards. The tagging of the release is due to happen on June 2nd before a release alongside with the 4.6.4 KDE SC, so all fixes and translations which are in the source tree get in :).

20 Responses to “KDE PIM 4.6 RC1”

  1. Robby Says:

    I am using Kontact2 suite since any early beta version and it worked for me quite fine seeing much improvements since then. I am happy to hear that the final is near to touch. Great work!

  2. Matěj Laitl Says:

    Good news! I’ve been using KDEPIM 4.6 for quite a while and there are only 2 things that bug me:

    * garbling accented characters on reply in kmail2: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=251740

    * auto-completion from address book in kmail2 composer shows nothing for me – it is supposed to work or not?

  3. Kevin Krammer Says:

    On the auto-completion problem: check if Nepomuk is running properly.

    • Matěj Laitl Says:

      If I enable nepomuk runner in KRunner and type name of my friend, one of the results I get is my friend with “PersonContact” type and nepomuk logo – and leads to url akonadi:?item=nnn so I think Nepomuk – Akonadi contacts link is working.

      Anyways, this seems to be handled by bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259949 so let’s move there.

  4. Lyrica Says:

    Awesome news :p

    How about Lionmail and Akregator? I haven’t heard about lionmail for awhile and it would be awesome to have alongside the new Akonadi based KMail, can we expect stable relase anytime soon? Akregator will probably soon remain as the only Kontact2 component without Akonadi port – has anything hapened in that front?

  5. hefeweiz3n Says:

    Thanks for clearing up the goal of this release. I will happily live with a few annoyances for a couple of months longer if it means faster development in the future ;).

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Ritesh Raj Sarraf Says:

    Just a user queston. Does the KDEPIM 4.6 release have kmail with HTML reply feature fixed?

    • Thomas McGuire Says:

      The initial KDEPIM 4.6 release won’t have the ability to keep the HTML formatting when replying. The good news is that Sudhendu Roy is working on this for his summer of code project, so expect that functionality to arrive this year.

  7. Alejandro Nova Says:

    GO! I’m waiting for you. KDE PIM 4.6 RC1 rocks. Please, if you can, check the message browser; I consider all instances of KMail locked up and unable to display mail to be blocker bugs, and a lot of attention has been paid to that. I can wait until SC 4.7 for more awesomeness. GO AHEAD.

  8. De camino a su versión final, KDE PIM 4.6 RC1 Says:

    […] explica uno de sus desarrolladores en su blog, KDE PIM 4.6 -también conocida como Kontact2- ha llegado a su primera versión candidata, lo que […]

  9. Karellen Says:

    Today we fixed the last of the release blocking bugs

    Then wouldn’t it be a good idea to mark them fixed in bugzilla?

  10. Links 16/5/2011: Many New Distro Releases, Netflix Comes To Android | Techrights Says:

    […] KDE PIM 4.6 RC1 This version will have regressions compared to KDE PIM 4.4. There was never a goal to create a Kontact2 with zero regressions. The only goal was to create a working release. After that the work on making it perfect can begin. Division of resources between maintaining the 4.4 series and attempts to perfect the Kontact2 release was causing demotivation in the community. Making the release is the act that allows us to cross the starting line towards fixing the smaller issues. […]

  11. JanKusanagi Says:

    Thanks for the hard work 🙂

  12. Silver Says:

    I tried the RC on openSUSE again, but akonadi+mysqld+nepomuk still ate all my CPU (just dragging all the tens of thousands of e-mails from 2 IMAP-servers). After 2 evenings of waiting, I just deinstalled it and got back to 4.4.11 again.

    I wonder what shall I do when kdepim 4.4 is not available on 4.7 anymore 😦

  13. mutlu Says:

    Exciting! Congratulations to making this leap! Can’t wait to try the release candidate. 🙂

  14. Alexander van Loon Says:

    Thanks of for all the hard work on KDE PIM. While I think the future is looking bright for KDE PIM, currently there are still many bugs.

    I’ve been testing the beta’s for months now, and I encountered many bugs in the process, which I, being a good citizen, filed on KDE’s Bugzilla. The list is here: http://tinyurl.com/6zy7ze6

    Unfortunately, out of 15 bugs – some of them are quite minor or are a few months old – only 2 bugs have been fixed so far. Some of my bug reports which are months old have not seen a reply by the KDE PIM developers yet. Of course I understand the developers are busy people and some work as volunteers (but some are also paid to work on it AFAIK), but it is of course quite discouraging.

    Especially the bug with filters not being applied on incoming mail on my IMAP accounts – https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=255388 – is quite annoying, and is almost six months old now. Maybe it’s a good idea to hold a bug day or something to weed out all the serious bugs before the release of 4.6?

    And does anyone know when KDE PIM 4.6 RC1 will land in the Kubuntu Experimental repository?

    • doc81 Says:

      That’s a good question…I am waiting to see the RC in Kubuntu’s experimental repo too. Perhaps it’s delivered together with next 4.6. point release? In the meantime: trying plasma-active on my new WeTab 😉

    • steveire Says:

      Thanks Alexander,

      It’s good to see you’re looking forward to the release, and thanks for filing the bug reports.

      I can’t make any promises about other bugs that will be fixed before this first release, but there may be some opportunities before tagging.

      Some of us (myself included) have been paid to work on KDE PIM, but that work is project based, like the Kontact Touch work. Since the beginning of this year there’s no new project, so we’re back to being volunteers like everyone else right now.

  15. De camino a su versión final, KDE PIM 4.6 RC1 » MuyLinux Says:

    […] explica uno de sus desarrolladores en su blog, KDE PIM 4.6 -también conocida como Kontact2- ha llegado a su primera versión candidata, lo que […]

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