Holy Cheese Batman!

* What?

* Uh, the cheese. It has lots of holes in it…

That’s right. I’m in Switzerland

I was a bit cryptic in my last post, though posts from others may be more clear that I’m at the Platform 11 sprint. There is a growing list of discussion topics, but the final list of topics will be determined at runtime.

It seems though that there is a lot of stuff to untangle here.

Untangling this is going to be a lot of work

We’re going to spend the next 6 or so days talking about the future of the KDE platform, the future of the KDE libraries, what we should decouple and what not, what Qt 5 means for KDE, the relevance of QML etc. All the stuff that everyone else is wondering about, we are too, and there are about 20 people here in Randa Switzerland, to discuss it in high volume, high bandwidth and low distraction.

There is another few sprints co-located in time and space to discuss Nepomuk, Amarok and KDevelop, so in total we are about 60 people concentrated in a tiny village. This might be the highest concentration of KDE developers compared to ‘normies’ in a single place ever.

It’s been an evening of arrivals and re-acquainting with familiar faces. I finally got to meet Gregory Schlomoff in person too and catch up with what is happening in BetterInbox. This is sure to be a good sprint.

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